Traditional Roman Catholics
Persecuted By The Novus Ordo Church
Since the Church with its leader at the Vatican has different beliefs, practices, and ways from the Roman Catholic religion through history, it is logical to conclude that the Church at the Vatican is a New Church. It is no longer the Catholic religion. The enemies of God have occupied our Catholic buildings, churches, cemeteries and properties since Vatican II. Our church is still occupied by the Modernists and they continue to identify themselves as Catholics to deceive souls. They have seized all the physical structures of the Catholic Church since Vatican II.
Now, the Novus Ordo Parish has a policy not to bury Roman Catholics in the Catholic Cemetery if they go to the Traditional Latin Mass. The Modernists have seized our cemeteries and will not allow us to be buried there! There is no time in history when Catholics have not been subjected to some form of persecution. They are so deeply oppose to faithful Roman Catholics that they would not allow us to be buried in the cemeteries which they seized much as they seized everything else that had been Catholic.
The fact is that the only people prohibited from using the worldly facilities established by their forefathers in the faith are Roman Catholics faithful to their religious commitments. Our concern is for those Catholics who are being deprived of burial in cemeteries that were once consecrated ground reserved for Catholics who die in the true faith. Faithful Roman Catholics desire to be buried in what was once their Catholic cemetery. They have either sentimental ties or economic bonds with the once Catholic cemetery. Our parents and other loved ones are already buried there. Without doubt, many of our family members, as well as relatives and friends have been buried in these cemeteries when these were still in the hands of true Roman Catholics. We would like the bodies of our loved ones who shared in life the same faith to be close to us even in death. We give honor and show respect to the ordinary objects of deceased loved ones, then, how much more so do we wish to show honor and respect for their body who were temples of the Holy Ghost. This is the basic foundation for having Catholic cemeteries in the first place because the deceased had been a baptized temple of the Holy Ghost. This is the reason why the funerals of the just were arranged, their obsequies celebrated and their tombs prepared with reverent piety.
Our Catholic cemeteries had been consecrated by Traditional Roman Catholic bishops, and these Catholic cemeteries were bought with the donations of Roman Catholics before Vatican II. The Catholic cemetery has been desecrated long time ago by the many infidels, heretics and apostates that have been buried there.
We have no alternative but to purchase burial plots in a secular cemetery. We would not object to burying our dead in such cemeteries. Our only concern would be that our Catholics should not be subjected to the rituals of false religions. This has to be done because we desire to have a Catholic funeral according to the liturgical laws of the Roman Catholic Church and not according to the Novus Ordo Church. Although it may be nice to be buried in a Catholic cemetery, the realism of life and the circumstances of death should be foremost in our minds. We need to remind ourselves of the great truths of our faith. After all, we should be willing to make any sacrifice for the sake of our faith because without it our salvation is in jeopardy. If someone volunteers to donate, we will purchase a land to erect a Roman Catholic Cemetery for faithful Catholics.
There are many people who do not fear those who can kill their body, yet they fear those who can prevent the burial of their body after death. People are more concerned about how they will be buried than with how they have the opportunity to live. They do not have the courage to separate themselves from the false leaders of the false religion of Vatican II. They are afraid not so much of those who can kill their body, but they are afraid of those who threaten their lifeless corpse. An empty threat, to be sure, for what harm can they do to the corpse by refusing it a falsified “Christian burial” in the once Catholic cemetery?
Faithful Roman Catholics are being deprived of burial in the Catholic cemetery by the deceivers who have invaded our churches, seized our seminaries, and confiscated our cemeteries. What kind of “Christian burial” can these heretics and apostates give to people whom they have cleverly deceived?
It would be far better to choose the fate of our forefathers in the faith whose lifeless bodies suffered the fate described by the Psalmist: "They have given the dead bodies of Thy servants to be meat for the fowls of the air: the flesh of Thy saints for the beasts of the earth. They have poured out their blood as water, round about Jerusalem, and there was none to bury them." (Psalm 78: 2-3)
A true Catholic does not become overly concerned with such things as funeral arrangements, the manner of burial, the kind of casket and the profusion of flowers. All this does nothing for the deceased because it is only a solace to the living. An expensive funeral cannot save the souls of the wicked people and a cheap funeral cannot do any harm to the saints.
In the Gospel of St. Luke 16:19-31, the rich man who died might have appeared magnificent in the eyes of men, but of far greater value was the unseen and unannounced death of the beggar covered with sores whose funeral was attended by angels sent by God. The rich man did not go to the `bosom of Abraham' but was cast down into hell - expensive casket and all! The poor man had no marble tomb, but he was taken up to the bosom of Abraham.
In our Church history, we have many martyrs whose lifeless bodies were thrown into the streets, abandoned without help and without burial. A Catholic Cemetery is very important but our salvation does not depend on it. When we die, we stand before Christ as Judge and we will be judged according to our deeds in this life. We left the Novus Ordo Church because we want to save our souls. We have abandoned the worldly life of the Novus Ordo Church because we want to follow the true Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We reject the New Mass, New Sacraments, New Catechism, New Discipline, New Canon Law, New Doctrines and every Heretical Teachings of the Novus Ordo Religion. We have nothing to with the church of Satan. We want to please God and not people. It is better for us to be buried in a secular cemetery with a proper Catholic burial than to be buried in the once Catholic Cemetery with a non-catholic burial.
What good will it be for someone to be buried in the once Catholic Cemetery, but lose his own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? (Matthew 16:26) I would rather die as a faithful Catholic in a secular cemetery than deny the truth in a once Catholic cemetery.
Faithful Roman Catholics attending in the Traditional Latin Mass were informed that they could not be buried in the Catholic Cemetery because they attend in the Traditional Catholic Chapel which is not affiliated with the heretical government of the Novus Ordo Diocese of Vatican II.
Are Novus Ordo Parish leaders charitable? Is it really for the sake of discipline? If discipline is truly the reason behind, what about those who speak, laugh, talk or converse loudly inside the Novus Ordo Church? Do they have discipline? How about women wearing mini-skirts, shorts or immodest dress inside the Novus Ordo Church? Are they disciplined by the Novus Ordo Parish leaders? Or by the Novus Parish priest himself? Isn’t is a double-standard? And how about the Novus Ordo priests who roam around the Novus Ordo parish or other places without wearing the cassock or sotana, are they disciplined? Sotana or cassock is the official clothing for the clergy. Novus Ordo nuns wear their habits all the time wherever they go anytime. But what about the Novus Ordo priests? Do they wear their sotana all the time to show their fidelity to Christ? Or they just left it in their rooms in order to roam around where people cannot recognize them and they can do whatever they want without being bothered too much by the eyes of the parishioners? Don’t we see Novus Ordo priests who preached in the pulpits about “good works” but roamed around, drinking hard liquors and immersed or blinded by their vice. Some of them became gay, some became drunkards, became gamblers, became rapists, became corrupts, became thieves, became sex maniac, became porn addict, became drug addict, etc… Isn’t it true? Or they can move freely because they don’t wear their sotana all the time. So, where is discipline here?
What about these “Eucharistic Lay Ministers,” “Altar Girls,” and “Women Lectors/Psalmists”? What are they doing in the sanctuary? Is this is a “show”, a kind of theater arts exhibit where the “stage” is filled with “actors”? If our grandparents and the saints who have been dead for the past fifty years will rise and go to Church on a Sunday Mass what can they say with these “lay ministers,” “altar girls,” “women lectors/psalmists”? Will they be happy? Or will they shout at them and say “get out from there! You, sacrilegious people, stay away from the sanctuary for that is not your territory!” Don’t they see the stairs there separating the people from the priest? Oh, hypocrites! Are these “lay ministers” having discipline? Are they well-informed? Why did they “help” the priest in distributing the Communion? Because there are many communicants. And why are there many communicants? It is because Novus Ordo priests ordered them to communicate every time they come to the Novus Ordo Mass. Novus Ordo priests nowadays do not teach the people the proper Catholic Doctrine that it is unlawful to receive communion with mortal sins. Communicants are too many because Novus Ordo priests let them receive "communion" even without confession. So, who is wrong here? Novus priests, are very lazy. Are they really busy? Are they busy doing nothing? Novus Ordo priests busy doing nonpriestly things.
What about those Novus Ordo priests who have sexual relationships and are fathering innocent children with different women outside marriage? It is not enough to transfer bastard Novus Ordo priests to another Novus Ordo parish where they can still violate other girls. They should be made accountable for their scandalous acts under the State’s laws as well as Church laws. Are they that worthy to receive the proper Catholic burial in the once Catholic cemetery?
Do parish leaders have the true Catholic faith or Catholic discipline? Just asking for the sake of Roman Catholics who are discriminated and deprived of their rights to be buried in the once Catholic Cemetery just because they are following the true Catholic teachings. Ignorant people follow the erroneous discipline of their Novus Ordo priests. But faithful Catholics remained in the Faith and discipline of our forefathers.
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