Mga Pahina


Saint Anthony of Padua - Hammer of Heretics Blog

The Saint Anthony of Padua Blog was created on March 31, Tuesday of the Holy Week, 2015. The purpose of this Catholic Blog is to bring souls to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church - the Roman Catholic Church founded by Christ. This blog strives to do this by showing  the errors of Protestantism, Liberalism and Modernism and by teaching Catholics to recognize what is and isn't Catholic. This blog wishes to inspire Catholics to do all in their power to fight and to preserve the Traditional Roman Catholic Mass and all the other Traditional Sacramental rites. This blog wishes to inspire Catholics to do all in their power to learn, teach, and guard every last drop of the Faith in the same way that Catholics have learned, taught, and guarded it for two thousand years.  This blog wishes to inspire Catholics to do all in their power to practice traditional devotions and popular customs that have always served to build strong Catholic families and communities, and to keep us all close to Christ. Further, this blog has its purpose of teaching Catholics how to practice Catholicism in the traditional way.

This blog holds the sedevacantist position that the present See of Peter is vacant or there is no current pope since 1958. It does not hold the recognize-and-resist position. It only recognizes the true Roman Catholic popes, from Pope St. Peter to Pope Pius XII. This blog rejects the false claimants to the Papacy since the death of the last known true Pope, Pius XII. This blog has nothing to do with the false "popes" of the Vatican II Church: Antipope John XXIII, Antipope Paul VI, Antipope John Paul I, Antipope John Paul II, Antipope Benedict XVI and Antipope Francis. It does not cooperate with the Vatican II Church. It is totally independent from the Vatican II Church. It exposes the errors and the heresies of the Vatican II Church and of its leaders.

However, this blog does not condemn priests who recognize Francis as the pope and yet resist him. This blog is friendly to any validly ordained priest who says the Mass in union with Francis as long as; he respects the person as a Catholic who rejects Francis as the pope even though he doesn’t agree; he doesn't seek recognition or approval from the Vatican II leaders;  he is independent from the Vatican II Church; he attacks its errors; and he considers Francis a heretic.

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