Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness
Against Thy Neighbour
A woman, who pretends to be a Traditional Catholic, is accusing a Traditional Catholic man for stealing money from Traditional Catholic Faithful. She's spreading bad news that this Traditional Catholic man went to Turin by asking donations from Traditional Catholic faithful.
She has violated the 8th commandment in Exodus 20:16:
"Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor."
The fact is that this Traditional Catholic man went to Italy to visit the Community of Traditional Catholic Priests. His round trip ticket was paid by a Traditional Catholic priest, Rev. Fr. Benedict. Through the help of a Traditional Catholic priest also, Rev. Fr. Sergio, he was accommodated in the convent of Turin.
This Traditional Catholic man asked the blessing of Rev. Fr. Chazal before he left for Turin. Fr. Chazal knew completely about it. Rev. Fr. Chazal respects this man as a Catholic even if he knows that this man does not accept Francis as the pope. This man did not lie about it. He never lied and asked money from the faithful for his trip to Turin.
When Fr. Chazal heard that this woman was spreading lies, he became angry. On February 13, 2015, in his email, Fr. Chazal wrote: Who is that stinking liar?
Saint Thomas Aquinas:
"Destroying a person's reputation is a very serious wrong."
Saint Bernard:
"Backbiting is a great vice, a great sin, a great crime. Run from a backbiter as you would run from a serpent."
Saint John Chrysostom:
"A person who backbites performs the devil's work. Backbiting is an unruly demon."
A statement contrary to the truth is a mortal sin. Destroying a person's reputation is a mortal sin. Calumny harms another's reputation by saying what is not true. Reputations are destroyed by malicious gossip. Perhaps the worst sin of our generation is gossip about others. She is sinning against justice and charity.
She is a liar. The attempt to lead into error someone who has the right to know the truth is the most direct offense against the truth. Lying profanes speech which is meant to communicate truth.
On February 12, 2015, the victim wrote to her to confront her. She was not able to answer. She was not able to support her false accusation. The person who lied must make a reparation, even if this can only be done secretly. The victim must be given moral satisfaction.
Apocalypse 21:8
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, they shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."
Proverbs 19:9
"A false witness shall not be unpunished: and he that speaketh lies, shall perish."
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